Really great post! What a great newsletter! I don't really get into politics anymore.. it's too demoralizing, but after watching on C-SPAN every single minute of the show in the House this week, I'd say that we have to make a clear distinction between politics and governing. What I saw was a lot of politicing and very little concern with governing. Politics is simply factionalism and it's a plague in the House. Governance is a sober, non passionate skill seemingly in short supply there. I wouldn't mind if we banned all politicians from the House and got rid of that silly division into two sets of seats, in perpetual opposition and incapable of working, just like two locked gears. A House populated with robots would even be preferable!

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Thanks, Michael! Politics can indeed be demoralizing - especially so imho when it involves the current crop of Republicans. One thing I wrestle with is distinguishing what's truly dysfunctional and dangerous from what lands in the normal range of antagonism and combativeness that's inherent in politics. Have great week!

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